If you were friends of Mike George’s Facebook page, you were privy to the many smoothies and other good and healthy eats he cheerfully displayed on his posts. Being healthy and wanting others to be the same was an initiative Mike, Jason, Malik and Mike Bolds were working on. But they wanted to be more than just healthy. Mighty Healthy was the goal. And Mighty Healthy wasn’t exclusively about food. It included information on maintaining mental, emotional, psychological and social wellbeing; physical activity, exercise, diet, healthy reminders, etc. The concept of Mighty Healthy was developed with goals of producing a Mighty Healthy show, creating Mighty Healthy video clips, workout outfits, and other accessories.
Today as we attempt to formalize Mike’s vision for Mighty Healthy, we’d like to keep you encouraged about the notion to become Mighty Healthy. Your health is important, and being Mighty Healthy is something we have to be diligent about in order to achieve success at it. Did you know that how you spend the first minutes of your day matter? That it takes 100 days to make a new habit and make your commitment to being healthy strong? That you can create an environment within yourself to harvest hopeful beginnings and turn them into successful endings? Or, that you are powerful enough to make a commitment to be the best version of yourself?
When Mike spoke about being Mighty Healthy these are things he wanted to approach, suggest and coach us all to do. So we’ll research and provide information here to fulfill that goal. We’ll include recipes for the kinds of healthy smoothies, dishes and meals Mike pictured on his Facebook page. And, we invite you to share any wisdom, knowledge, information, exercises and recipes that you have with us as well.
The goal for Mighty Healthy is to share healthy information—for the mind, body and soul—with all of you, on behalf of Mike George. To provide information that let’s us all see how we can be the best version of ourselves possible. To identify where we are, evaluate where we want to be, and to implement a routine that enhances and optimizes the quality of life we experience. To understand how our thoughts determine the level of healthiness we are able to achieve. To commit to a game plan that encourages self-awareness and enrichment of the foundation of our “temples”. And, to eventually provide workshops, resources, & community events that empower all of us to become strong family members, friends and a community.
Information is like ice cream—some flavors you like, some you don’t; some are classic, some are brand new. Similarly, some of the information we provide will include new trends, while others will be links to timeless insights. We don’t expect everyone to commit 100% to all the information we provide. However, we hope to provide you with a sufficient amount of wisdom to put (or keep) you on track to being the healthiest person you can be.
Disclaimer: The information contained herein is for educational and informational purposes, and is made available to you as self-help tools for your own use. Your participation is voluntary, and you alone are responsible for your results. Each individual’s health, fitness, and nutrition success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any health-related program or service, your results may vary, and will be based on many variables, including but not limited to, your individual capacity, life experience, unique health and genetic profile, starting point, expertise, and level of commitment. The goal is for each of us to get to a healthier place—mind, body and soul.
Prepare to be Mighty Healthy
Mighty Healthy is a lifestyle that is achieved by being intentional & dedicated with our thoughts and actions.
Exercise is mental & physical.
Diet refers to the intake of food and information.
Strength is recognized in understanding, compassion, & respect.
Understanding is demonstrated in the quality of your environment.